14 décembre 2015

Appel à manifestation d’intérêt: Programme d'échanges de jeunes Afrique - Allemagne

(Sommaire de l'appel)

L’Initiative Germano-Africaine pour la Jeunesse (AGYI) est une initiative multilatérale du Gouvernement allemand et de la Commission de l´Union Africaine et a pour but d’améliorer les échanges et la mobilité des jeunes entre les pays africains et l’Allemagne dans le contexte de l’éducation au développement durable. L’objectif est de contribuer au développement des compétences essentielles et savoirs essentiels chez les jeunes des pays africains et d’Allemagne dans ce domaine. L’AGYI contribuera au niveau international à la réalisation et la consolidation de partenariats pour le développement durable (comme cela figure dans l’Agenda SDG 2030, objectif 17).

L’Initiative Germano-Africaine pour la Jeunesse (AGYI) cherche à identifier des organisations de mise en œuvre au Bénin, en Afrique du Sud et en Tanzanie pour la phase pilote de l’initiative. Les organisations de mise en œuvre se chargeront de tâches de soutien comme l’aide aux échanges entre les jeunes africains et allemands. Elles agiront comme points d´entrée pour d’autres organisations et institutions dans la région qui souhaiteraient mettre en œuvre des activités d’échange. Dans la phase pilote, l’AGYI cherche des organisations partenaires qualifiantes ayant un rayonnement régional dans les pays pilotes mentionnés. Nous invitons ainsi les organisations désireuses de se charger de cette tâche et qui répondent aux critères ci-dessous à exprimer leur intérêt.

Déclaration d’intérêt et étapes suivantes:
Les organisations dans les trois pays mentionnés (Bénin, Tanzanie, Afrique du Sud) sont invitées dans un premier temps à exprimer leur intérêt de participer dans l´AGYI comme organisation de mise en œuvre. En se fondant sur ces manifestations d’intérêt basées sur les critères mentionnés plus haut, les partenaires à l’origine de cette initiative présélectionneront des organisations pour une prise de contact plus approfondi pour cette tâche dans l’AGYI. Les organisations présélectionnées seront contactées dans la deuxième quinzaine de janvier et seront invitées à participer à des analyses plus poussées afin d’identifier des partenaires de mise en œuvre. Entre autres, les initiateurs du projet rendront visite à ces organisations en février 2016. Sur la base des résultats de ces analyses et de la mission d´exploration, une organisation par pays sera sélectionnée pour la phase pilote.

Lire l'entièreté de l'appel ici -> http://au.int/en/announcements/19473/call-expression-interest-implementing-organizations-fostering-youth-exchanges 

30 novembre 2015


Les voilà, plus de 3,5 Milliards de Diables recemment parachutés,
Nombreux chef-œuvres,  pour mes semblables, objet de risée,
Hypothèses vérifiés des “scientistes”, qui se font accuser, 
Par ces innombrables chercheurs infiniment défiés,
Et qui trouvent en eux nuit et jour et sans fin,
Les sources des sempiternels maux mondains. 

Ce sont ces créatures”inconnues” connues que la Divinité,
A, dans les sanctuaires et cathédrales, laissé pulluler,
A l’ultime fin de repentance, de reprise  et de Salut,
Que devrait procurer constamment le nom de Jésus !

Elles s’érigent en grands et redoutables chasseurs,
Dans la forêt clairsemée des faibles mangeurs,
Ruminants primaires des pensées de Dieu,
Qui jamais n’aiment faire au Père cet aveu ;
Celui d’avoir à maints trébuchements brouté malgré eux,
Dans les Eden ambulants, cachés et rugueux,
Précédente cause de malheur des Gomorrhéens,
Et qui de grâce sont offert sous semblant et contre rien.

Même Facebook s’est donné à ce jeu gratuitement,
Pour devenir en peu de temps un pervers instrument;
Musée électronique d’exposition sans frais à grand public,
Bras commercial pour clientèle souffrant de maux impudiques,
Acheteurs aidés pour ne jamais étancher leur soif éternelle,
Pauvre frères dans la moderne allégorie originelle.

Que diantre, les 66 livres à ce jour ne suffisent!
Et que même Abraham victime d’une infernale traitrise,
Devra, à nouveau, rendre Isaac, ultime recours,
Pour ramener ces diablotins dans la très prochaine Cour.

Quand on se souvient de Salomon émerveillé,
Que Barrabas se soit fait glorieusement relaxé,
Que Jésus se soit laissé, sans mot dire, condamner,
Ou que Paul n’ait pas pu empêcher d’être aveuglé,
Surtout que Marc n’a pas jugé utile de témoigner
De l’interdiction d’aller à l’autel pour s’égayer,
Le décalogue non désuet peut-il freiner les suiveurs,
Lorsque la “Grâce” est l’outil des pourfendeurs ?

Que faut-il encore pour chasser des Temples les étrangers,
Je ne sais ! Mais des souffrances apparemment allégées,
Les enfants qui chantent LOL auraient choisi leur camp:
Plus douloureuses lamentations des fins des temps !

Je les ai vues quatre fois nombreux chez mon voisin de l’orient,
Et qui y pleurent la désolante injustice du naturel accroissement,
Obligées de se mettre des masques comme les « Ngaga, »,
Pour accompagner ceux pour qui, suffit l’apparat.

“Je Suis” est sans fin de cette qualité connue de tous,
Mais devra, un jour, agir de sa Droite douce,
Pour aider Octavio et ses compères à trouver le repos,
Face à cette carence de tourtereaux dans cet entrepôt !

Octavio Hermeland Diogo,
 Addis Ababa 23 Octobre 2013, 
Editons: “λόγος”

23 novembre 2015

Opinion: Femmes, soyez soumises à vos maris!

A plusieurs reprises, beaucoup d’hommes ont basé leurs agissements ou raisonnements sur des écrits religieux pour discriminer les femmes et satisfaire leur égo.  L’un des cas les plus courants restent le prétexte pris du verset 5 du Livre des Ephésiens, tirés de la Bible (Livre religieux des chrétiens) aux termes duquel, Paul affirme : « Femmes, soyez soumises à vos maris ». Ce verset a fait l’objet de tellement d’interprétations, que je sais d’avance, la mienne pourrait faire l’objet de critique et de compréhension controversée, autant les hommes ne veulent jamais céder à fléchir leur orgueil pendant que les féministes ont besoin d’autant d’armes pour combattre les idées contraires aux leurs. Ce même texte a fait dire à beaucoup que son auteur était misogyne, et que ses mots ne pourraient s'appliquer à nos jours "modernes", etc...
 Mon article est mu par le fait qu’il ne m’est pas aisé de concevoir, en tant que suiveur et étudiant de la doctrine chrétienne, que le Livre a instauré des religions à doctrines patriarcales et que la femme doit rester assujettie à l’homme. Des raisonnements déniant l’égalité de la femme d’avec l’homme dans le foyer, sont semblables à ceux qui ont justifié la ségrégation raciale des années 60 aux Etats-Unis, prétextant du libellé de Genèse chapitre 9 verset 27 : Dieu est dans notre camp et les autres doivent être rendues esclaves. Ce qui confère à l’oppresseur, en l’occurrence l’homme, tous les droits de considérer la femme comme un moins que lui. Ce qui, non plus, n'est de l'esprit du Divin !

De ma compréhension, dans sa lettre aux communautés chrétiennes d’Ephèse, Paul exhortait les femmes à passer outre leur préférence pour le Seigneur afin de se soumettre à la préséance établie par Dieu du noyau sociétal qu’est la famille, l’homme étant créé avant la femme. Il ne s’agissait nullement d’un ordre d’assujettissement pour réduire la femme à l’esclavage. Il pourrait être le rétablissement de l’ordre divin par la création de l’homme avant la femme. En effet, à Ephèse, beaucoup de femmes, étant devenues chrétiennes (émancipées) avaient juste compris qu’elles étaient affranchies de la relégation au second rang des réalités de la vie courante par les hommes, phénomène qui pourrait être assimilé à un patriarcat esclavagiste de la femme ! Qu’à ce titre, elles revendiquaient déjà leur place non seulement dans la société, mais surtout et également dans la gestion du foyer ! Mais cette place en elle-même était de source divine, puisqu’à l’origine, la femme est faite « aide » de l’homme, érigée au rang de « son vis-à-vis » (Gen 2 : 18), et non son sujet, esclave !. 

Mais la notion de « soumission » n’est pas comprise de tous ! En vérité, on ne peut parler de rapport de soumission qu’entre deux être égaux ! Ce qui clairement veut dire que, la soumission présume (tacitement), et avant tout, un rapport d’égalité entre des partenaires et, au demeurant, pour éviter des effritements de la meilleure relation possible entre deux partenaires destinés à marcher le plus de temps ensemble, il est souhaitable à l’un deux de soumettre ses décisions, ses souhaits à une autorité librement reconnue entre les deux parties, non pas soutirée par quelque coercition ! On s'entendra alors que Soumettre c'est reconnaître et respecter cette autorité, par opposition à une défiance, une rebellion.

Le contraire, qui se résumerait en rapport de pouvoir/force, fait craindre au sujet une récompense négative de la part de son maître ! Un maître peut-il accepter de « faire une seule chair » avec son esclave ou son sujet ? Un maître pourra-t-il « aimer » son sujet « comme son propre corps », et en prendre soin (surtout dans les civilisations antiques) ? Une analyse plus approfondie, prouve à suffire que Paul montre que l'autorité et la soumission ne sont pas exactement comme l'on pourrait croire !!!

Je précise pour finir que la relation d’égalité dans le mariage que je fais ressortir ici, se veut être tout  un contre-pied à une rébellion sous quelque forme de la femme qui se réclamerait d’un quelconque féminisme ou activisme féministe ! Je pense simplement que la femme reste et demeure l'égale de l'homme dans le foyer et que le libellé de Ephesiens 5: 22 ne doit être la base de quelque argumentaire permettant un pietinement de la femme! J'ai dit et parlé ----!

16 novembre 2015

Bénin: La jeunesse plaide pour son autonomisation politique - DGTrends

Le mercredi 11 Novembre 2015, le Président de l'Assemblée Nationale du Bénin, SE M. Adrien Houngbédji a accordé une audience à IRENICASHE ONG , organisatrice de la conversation nationale de la jeunesse sur la démocratie et tendances nouvelles en matière de gouvernance (DGTrends) au Bénin, le 10 Octobre 2015, avec l'appui technique de l'Agence de développement. Zayrah Afrique.

Le Président Houngbédji qui était le principal adversaire du Président Yayi Boni lors des élections présidentielles de 2011 au Bénin, a salué l'initiative du Département des Affaires Politiques de l'Union Africaine dans le cadre de l'autonomisation des jeunes à travers leur participation active à la gouvernance des nations africaines, en particulier les conversations de la jeunesse et a également félicité les organisateurs pour leur travail. 

Lors du débriefing, Président Houngbédji a pris note de l'engagement des jeunes et de leurs perspectives à envisager les moyens par lesquels les jeunes, et en particulier les jeunes femmes , peuvent exceller et servir dans les sphères politiques. Il a souhaité en outre la mise en place d'un Observatoire National de la Gouvernance qui aura pour mandat de tenir une série de consultations/conversations (jeunes) à travers le pays et le partage de la stratégie de l'Union Africaine pour l'engagement de la jeunesse, relative à l'Architecture Africaine de Gouvernance. Tout en encourageant les jeunes, il s'est engagé à partager en temps opportun le rapport entre les membres du Bureau de l'Assemblée Nationale pour mettre en œuvre certaines recommandations inscrites dans ledit rapport.

Cette audience fait partie de la stratégie de plaidoyer de l'ONG IRENICASHE et ses partenaires aux fins de l'autonomisation politique de la jeunesse et la copie de rapport transmis à M. Houngbédji contient toutes les recommandations sur: la participation des jeunes en politique et pour la gouvernance, le leadership des femmes dans les partis politiques, les droits de l'homme et de la société civile en matière électorale, la contribution et l'engagement politique de la jeunesse en période électorales. Ceci est en alignement avec la vision du Département des affaires politiques de la Commission de l'Union africaine (CUA)  qui est de «faciliter l'inclusion des spécificités et la voix des jeunes dans la conversation de la gouvernance à travers des conversations nationales."

15 septembre 2015

Appel à candidature pour devenir Jeune Volontaire de l'Union Africaine (tous les documents)

Notez bien: Je partage ceci parce j'ai eu le privilège de prendre part au programme et j'ai eu l'une des experiences les plus enrichissantes de toute ma vie de volontariat . Lire ici mon experience

Le Corps des Jeunes Volontaires de l'Union Africaine (CJV-UA), établie en 2010, est un programme de développement continental de l’union africaine conçu pour promouvoir le volontariat parmi les jeunes professionnels dans tous les États membres de l'Union africaine. Le programme vise à approfondir l'état de jeunes en Afrique en tant qu'acteurs clés dans le développement des objectifs et des buts de l'Afrique, favorisant leur participation à l'élaboration de politiques ainsi que la conception et la mise en œuvre des interventions pertinentes vers la vision de l’UA : « l’Afrique que nous voulons ». Il rassemble les jeunes à partager les compétences, les connaissances, la créativité et l'apprentissage afin de créer un cadre plus intégré et prospère du continent entraînée par ses citoyens. Les possibilités de volontariat sont destinées à renforcer le professionnalisme et un sens de la responsabilité chez les participants, renforçant ainsi leur employabilité. Jeunes professionnels africains sont recrutés pour servir pendant une période de 12 mois dans un États membres de l'UA autre que le leur. L’appel à candidature du prochain cohorte des volontaires de l’UA est du 10 au 25 Septembre 2015 pour le déploiement en 2016. 

Critère d’admission: 
1) Citoyen d'Etat membres de l'Union Africiane (tous les pays africains sauf le Maroc) ou de la diaspora africaine;
2) âgés entre 18 et 33 ans;
3) Avoir suivi une formation certifiée de niveau universitaire (vérifiable)
4) Etre disponible pour 12 mois de volontariat dans n’importe quel pays africain
5) Prêt à vivre et travailler dans un autre Etat membre de l'UA;
6) Maîtriser au moins une langue officielle de l'UA (arabe, anglais, français, portugais);
7) Avoir au moins une année d'expérience vérifiable en tant que volontaire et/ou d'expérience de travail régulier

Les domaines admissibles de qualification 
Pour la formation du prochain cohorte des jeunes volontaire de l'UA, les domaines de la qualification et l'expérience suivantes sont nécessaires: Les candidats doivent répondre aux critères suivants: Comptabilité - Agriculture - Communication - Informatique - Études sur les conflits - Diverse filières en sciences naturelle - Economie - Education - Gestion de l'environnement - Etude sur le genre

Processus de demande: Les candidats sont invités à soumettre les documents suivants :
1. Remplir le formulaire de demande ( cliquez ici pour le TELECHARGER ). (Une fois téléchargé, le document devra etre rempli, ensuite renommé sous le format : nom complet_pays , puis converti en format .pdf avant d'etre envoyé)
2. Copie scannée du certificat de diplôme universitaire ( Je vous suggère d'envoyer votre diplome le plus élevé)
3. Lettre de recommandation du volontariat / expérience de travail (rassurez-vous d'envoyer une copie signée et scannée) 
4. Copie scannée de la page d'identité de votre passeport
5. Curriculum Vitae (Je vous suggère d'envoyer un CV actualisé en français correct, en version PDF)

Les documents énumérés doivent parvenir avant le 25 Septembre 2015:  youth@africa-union.org . * Les demandes en retard et les demandes qui ne contiennent pas tous les documents requis ne seront pas considérées . * Ceux qui avaient postulé avant sont priés de présenter une nouvelle demande

Processus de recrutement: 
1) Le 30 Septembre: Pré-sélection
2) Le 15 Octobre: Les candidats retenus seront avisés
3) Du 7 au 21 Novembre: Les candidats retenus recevront une formation pré-déploiement;
4) 2016: Les candidats retenus seront déployés aux organisations concernées.

Droits des volontaires: 
Pour les candidats retenus, la Commission de l'Union africaine va couvrir la totalité des coûts
de leur formation pré-déploiement, à un lieu qui sera communiqué. Pour le déploiement, les jeunes volontaires de l’Union africaine reçoivent les éléments suivants:
1) Billet d'avion aller-retour en classe économie de la ville natale à la place de déploiement
2) Une allocation mensuelle modeste
3) une couverture d'assurance santé
4) une indemnité de séparation à la fin de douze mois de service

Plus d'information: Pour plus d'informations, s'il vous plaît contacter Dr Beatrice Njenga (Chef de la Division jeunesse); M. Daniel Adugna (gestionnaire du programme CJV-UA) au: youth@africa-union.org / www.africa-youth.org/auyvc / www.facebook.org/auyvc

09 juillet 2015

Christian Youth and Political Participation

( This is an article shared from Dabesaki's blog )
Let me clarify from the outset what I mean by each of the two key concepts. By Christian youth, I mean any individual who is ‘born again’ in the sense that Jesus meant it in John 3 verse 3 and who is between the ages of 15 and 29. However, I also recognize that there are certain social factors which may affect an individual’s development, and mean that such an individual may be over 29 but yet to attain full transition to adulthood, may still be in education and may still be dependent financially and otherwise on his/her family. Thus, I use this chronological definition in a fluid rather than rigid sense.
Secondly, by political participation, or rather youth political participation, I mean the range of activities in which young people could be involved, which are potentially directed at the individuals who get into political office and the kinds of decisions they make. Such activities may include: voting, voter education, taking part in protests and membership of political parties. The ends which these efforts seek are varied, but the global goal is to achieve social change and development. Political participation typically takes various forms and I do not claim that the definition provided here captures all the various dimensions of the concept, especially because I will also be speaking on aspects that deal with youth civic engagement – that is young people’s involvement in addressing the social issues, which are also of public concern. More specifically, I will try to answer the question which you have posed: is there a role for Christian youth in politics?
Any role for Christians in politics?
The question that you have asked me to answer can be interpreted in a sense as: should Christians be interested in social change and national development? The place of Christianity (and perhaps religion in general) in our society has received considerable attention in recent times. In terms of religion broadly, it is owing to continued violence by one religious group against the other in the north. In specific relation to Christianity, there have been questions regarding the affluence of key leaders within the faith, in the face of impoverished memberships. The key question that’s emerging from the debate regarding Christianity appears to be: should Christian leaders and Christians in general be interested in improving the lives of others, and by extension the development of the nation, rather than enriching themselves?
There are varying answers to this question, two of which I discuss here. The first school of thought is that Christians have no business in discussions regarding social change and development. This school draws its inspiration from passages like the first book of John chapter 2 verse 5 which essentially refers to the love of the world in the broader sense and to the extent that it interferes with commitment to Christian ideals. The second school appears to believe that in fact Christians should be integrally involved in the nations’ political processes. This group also draws its inspiration from the bible, drawing on the experiences of key individuals who were in political positions in bible times, and key scriptural injunctions which enjoin Christians to pay attention to the state of their nations’ affairs, for example Psalm 122 verse 6 ‘pray for the peace of Jerusalem.’ Also, reference is made to ‘when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked rules the people mourn.’
What many contemporary Christians fail to recognize is that much of the political evolution globally have important religious undertones. In certain bible times, the appointment and anointing of the Kings was solely the responsibility of the prophets and priests: Saul and David being key examples. In contemporary times, religion still has an important place in many countries. In some countries, religious codes serve the basis of national laws, and in this country, we have created two separate criminal laws: the criminal code and the penal code, in order to accommodate certain religious peculiarities relating to Islam. In the United Kingdom, the Queen has the title of ‘Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England.’ In this role, the Queen appoints Archbishops and Bishops on the advice of the prime minister. In addition, these spiritual leaders sit in the House of Lords – one of the two chambers comprising the British parliament.
What I am saying in essence is that there is certainly a place for Christians, and Christian youth in particular, in the political space and discourse, the entrenching of social change and the attainment of development. I say this because this is in fact the essence of the Christian faith – to make the world a better place. At the fore of this is the message of Salvation. Saving the world from deeds that are likely to destroy it. From lifestyles likely to promote disease, as well as threaten social cohesion and erode social capital. Social good was in fact the essence of the gospel which Jesus Christ preached.
One of the central tenets of the Lord’s Prayer is for the will of God to be done on earth as it is in heaven. We know from the bible that in heaven the perfect conditions of life are present. The streets are not just paved, they are paved with Gold. We also know that there is stable uninterrupted electricity in heaven – because Jesus is the light and he never dies. In heaven also, people are rewarded according to their labour – the ‘crown of gold’ is awarded using a criteria of work done here on earth. What this means is that there is no ‘man-know-man’ and you pretty much get the reward for however hard you work. Thus, if there were to be a University in heaven, students would not have to worry about the personal disposition of their lecturers because the reward system cannot be compromised. And finally, apart from meeting all needs, people are happy forever and live ‘the good life’ in heaven. In this regard, the health system is functional so much so that being there in heaven immunes an individual from all illnesses and guarantees life everlasting.
So when we pray for the will of God to be done here on earth as it is in heaven, we are consciously or unconsciously aspiring to achieve a world which is perfect, in which the conditions that exist are based on the best possible model of development are present – that is the heavenly model of development. If we have such a vision for our world, then who is better placed than us to create the conditions which we envisage? My answer is that it is us and only us. This is why I think that Christian youth should play integral roles in the political processes. But there is a caveat, just being Christian and young does not qualify one to this kind of role. There are preparations that need to be made and criteria to be met.
Preparation and criteria for Christian youth participation
First one needs to be educated, not just in terms of primary, secondary or higher education, but also in having a clear and in-depth understanding of the issues being canvassed. In this regard, there is need to clearly understand the context, the history, the causes, the alternatives and the solutions. The bible is very clear about this in Proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 where it says ‘Wisdom is the principal thing…and in all thy getting get understanding.’ The quality of analysis that often features in the youth sector shows that many of us involved in the ‘movement’ have a lot more to learn before we can effectively engage. So the first preparation to be made is to get an education.
Secondly and along the lines of the first, you must pay close attention to the political events and policies being made. Read the annual appropriations (budgets) of the State and federal government – the good thing is that both the Rivers State and Federal governments publish their budgets on the internet; read about laws that have been previously made and those being currently discussed; read about the views of the members of the state house of assembly on particular issues and read about the issues that are of importance to your constituency (either other youth or women or your community). Paying close attention in this way keeps you abreast with current political events and enables you to contribute meaningfully and in an informed manner. To take this forward, you need to pay close attention to how differently things are done in other contexts – other LGAs, states or countries, in order to compare and contrast and make suggestions based on available evidence of what works and what doesn’t. Too many a political official simply make policy commitments without looking at the evidence. This is possibly why we approach change and development using the same approaches across administrations. Obviously, the result is that we will remain where we are. So for you, the second key preparation to be made is to be informed about the issues, lessons and alternatives. There are complex tools such as cost benefit analysis, for those of you familiar with economics, that you can use in gaining an idea of what works. Use them wherever possible.
Thirdly, and on a more personal level, you must resolve to be a reflection of the changes you want to see. Mahatma Gandhi who is the author of the famous ‘be the change you want to see in the world’ also said ‘as human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world… as in being able to remake ourselves.’ The place of one’s self in society’s transformation cannot be overstated. One must first change from one’s self before attempting to change family, community, the nation and the world. Two scriptures also support this. In Romans chapter 12 verse 2, the bible says ‘and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God.’ The second is Matthew chapter 5 verses 13 and 16 where it says ‘ye are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has lost its taste wherewith shall it be salted? …let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works…’ In this society therefore where the general view is that certain basic values cannot be successfully upheld, such exemplary living is not only needed but a key aspect of Christian youth preparation for political engagement. We must seek always to uphold a high degree of integrity, seek to do things the ‘right’ way, no short cuts, no sorting, no attempt to bribe our way through. We must be honest in our personal dealings, be it in our business, academics or romantic relationships. This is the way, and only way through which we can gain the moral right to critique others and demonstrate that we are indeed different.
My fourth and perhaps final point is that we should not wait for political power. We should take actions wherever we can, and at whatever level that we are opportune to. The efforts we make at our individual levels may be small, but when you aggregate our individual efforts, it could be significant, and could in fact bring big changes across the State. Perhaps the popular quote ‘little drops of water make an ocean’ is relevant here. So do what you can. Don’t worry about the size of it really. Just ensure that you are living and doing right. Our small drops across Rivers State could yield big results: maybe several gallons, tanks, rivers, seas, oceans or even too much to quantify. Let me emphasise that political power will not be given to you. You have to work for it. You have to present yourself; and you have to go out of your way to demonstrate that you deserve a space at the table.
Why should politics interest us?
I raise three reasons here why politics should interest Christians and specifically Christian youth. The first is because the future created as a result of policies that are made today will be inherited by us and our children after us. When bad economic policies are made today, the effects could take several years or even decades to correct. As a classical example, Nigeria still suffers from bad economic and political decisions made during the 1970s and 1980s. So, it should be your business what kinds of policies and decisions are being made. Whenever possible, you should be in a position to contribute to or be the one making those policy decisions. What you want to do is to safeguard the future for everyone.
The second is because for many of us, either by choice or circumstance, the only place we will ever know as home is this country. Thus, we must do our best to add our voice in order to create the conditions that will make this country liveable for us and our offspring. We must add our voices to ensure that the education system does not decline further. That the health system does not decline further. For some of us, this will mean speaking-up against harassment by University or even college teachers. In many of our schools, the mechanisms have been put in place for such cases to be pursued and some students before us have successfully used these mechanisms. So, if a lecturer harasses you for sex or for a bribe, you have the avenues, use them, and do not be afraid. Remember the narrative about small drops? The only reason oppression works is because too few people are speaking-up. So if all of you in this room start speaking, and your friends join you, and their friends join them, you will be surprised how big the army we create will be. For some of you, it will mean volunteering your skills at hospitals and other places where they may be needed. Let me reiterate: for some of us, this country is the only one we will ever know. For all our dreams about travelling abroad, this country is the only one we will ever know. So we must lay our beds in a way that sleep is sweet, not impeded.
My third point here is that politics should interest us because this country belongs to all of us and we have as much stake and say as everyone else. There appears to be a general attitude in Rivers where people feel ‘na their turn, our own dey come.’ But in governance there is no turn-by-turn. We have to bring our voices to the table, whether we like the LGA chairman or governor or we don’t. Never assume that the next government will be better than the previous. You have to set the stakes early enough to serve as a warning sign. An elected official is really an employee of the people rather than the oga. So it’s no body’s turn. Every administration is an employee of the people and we must make those in government keep that in mind. At the end of the day, either you or your parents pay a tax, which makes you shareholders in the company of ‘Rivers State Incorporated.’ Make sure you’re exercising your rights as a shareholder. Don’t ‘siddon look’ because I promise you that your company will lose money and run out of business. Like I said before, this country, and state, belongs to all of us.
So what do I think?
You asked my opinion: should Christian youth be involved in politics? My answer is a resounding yes, based on all the reasons I have given. I believe that all young people, regardless their religious leaning need to be actively engaged in politics, but more so for Christian youth, because your religion expects you to be honest and ethical – values that we so badly need in our polity. My answer is yes because I believe you should and I believe that you can. Yes, because all over the world, young people your age are raising the stakes, taking a chance, making a difference, and I don’t see why you shouldn’t. Yes because I believe that given the chance, many of you will make a difference in your respective domains be it as advisors or as substantive political heads. Yes, because historically, it is people your age that have always brought about new ideas and innovations that transform society. So I think that despite all the challenges, there is a place for Christian youth in politics. I assure you that it does not negate the principles of the bible if you do take part in politics, provided you don’t engage in unethical practices. I hope you actually do. Run for office. Get your friends to run. Write a letter to your LGA chairman asking questions about the status of particular projects. Write to the representative in the state house of assembly, the house of representatives or senate asking questions about how he /she is representing you. Educate your family members, friends and community about the need to vote ethically rather than based on ethnic or other motivations. Make sure you register when the time avails itself. If you are not eligible, encourage your parents, older ones in your family and significant others to register and go out to vote on elections day. It’s a cycle really and your engagement with the process could yield the kind of results that will make everyone’s life better. I hope you actually consider my opinion.
Closing remarks
I believe that all young people, regardless their religious leaning, should be actively engaged in politics, but more so for Christian youth, because your religion expects you to be honest and ethical. Given your peculiar situation therefore, you appear to me as well positioned to bring a real difference to the political space. Throughout history, young men and women have played and continue to play leading roles in the transformation of their societies. The recent Arab spring in the Middle-East and North Africa, shows one thing – that in spite of their lack of political and economic power, when young people resolve and unite, they can and do make a difference. This country belongs to all of us but it is currently being vandalized by those saddled with the responsibility of leading us. That’s why I think you should take a more active role in the political process. I hope you do, but the choice is ours really. You can either ‘siddon look’ or take action. I hope you do get involved, and take action: no matter how small.
Remember, the sum of all our drops of water knows no bounds – it could be a gallon, a tank, a stream, River or an ocean.
Text of my remarks at The Salvator Ministries Annual Convention in December 2012

Author: Dabesaki Ikemenjima (Twitter: @dabesaki)

16 juin 2015

Always remember this...Black man

"You are on your own.You are either alive and proud or you are dead, and when you are dead, you can't care anyway. 

‪#‎BeingBlack‬ is not a matter of pigmentation - being black is a reflection of a mental attitude.

 ‪#‎BlackConsciousness‬ is an ‪#‎attitude‬ of the mind and a way of life, the most ‪#‎positive‬ call to emanate from the black world for a long time. Its essence is the realisation by the black man of the need to rally together with his brothers around the cause of their oppression - the blackness of their skin - and to operate as a group to rid themselves of the shackles that bind them to perpetual servitude." ‪#‎SteveBiko‬ , ‪#‎June16‬ Celebration!

15 mai 2015

Let’s Debate on Africa's expectations for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development

Have you ever thought of the best financial mechanism for Africa development? Should we rely on domestic resource mobilization rather than aid or vise-versa? What kind of resources do we need and how to manage them in order to take Africa to the next level, end extreme poverty, ensure that every African Youth has access to basic and essential services, to education, to employment, etc…? Is the argument of funding increase commitment from decisions-makers enough to make a difference? As African negotiator, how will you articulate your negotiation points at the next Financing for Development Summit?... here's the current state of the debate -> Read.

As we know, Africa is home to bunch of fragile states with huge illiteracy rate, high number of unemployed youth, bad economic governance, weak and unclear investment plan for priority sectors for development and, at the same time, the beloved continent is full of invaluable and unexploited resources. According to policy-makers and specialists, there is a strong linkage between, in one hand, emerging conflicts, extreme poverty and, in the other hand, the way priority sectors and financing channels are identified in African countries. In fact, political economists would suggest the need for paradigmatic shift in African countries financial models of programs and development, precisely at the era of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

That’s where the Third Summit on Financing for Development comes in as entry point.
You may be aware, the third financing for Development Summit (or FfD3) is scheduled for this year from 13 to 16 July 2015 in Addis Ababa and “will feature high-level negotiations between developed and developing countries for a framework to finance the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. This new development financing architecture is anticipated to emphasize a broad range of issues, including domestic resource mobilization and tax reform, new commitments on financial development assistance (ODA) to poor countries, debt and macroeconomic policies, climate change financing, the role of private sector finance in development, and the need for global and regional cooperation to monitor the implementation of the agreed financing framework.” Read the Draft revised version of the proposed Addis Ababa Accord (click here)

So, for the OXFAM, “in spite of the global momentum towards the FfD 3 Summit, there is insufficient public awareness and mobilization of strategic constituencies at the Pan-African level to engage with the AU on the FfD 3 Summit, and in general, Africa’s priorities in the context of the emerging global consensus on development financing”; thus a joint event with the African Union Commission to discuss Financing for (Africa) Development, the way forwards.
The event which is planned to be held on Tuesday 19th May 2015,will feature eminent researchers, speakers, panelists from Pan African institutions including intergovernmental organizations and non-states actors. The audience and panelists will have an unprecedented chance to criticize and evaluate the “African common position” paper that has been developed out of a series of consultations held by both UNECA and the African Union Commission, which is yet to be adopted by African leaders.

The idea that sustains this event is basically to “provide a platform for an open, interactive debate on Africa’s engagement with the FfD 3 Summit between the AU, UNECA, other Pan-African institutions and strategic constituencies in civil society, research and academia, women and youth groups and affected communities” and to “create opportunities for non-state actors to inform and contribute to the common African position on FfD 3”.
“The session will provide an optimal policy dialogue platform for all interested stakeholders to add their voices in the on-going debate with a view to respond in a transformative manner to Africa’s fundamental development challenges in the spirit of mobilizing and channeling domestic and external resources to achieve inclusive and sustainable development during the next decade and beyond” 

Topics to be discussed include:
  1. Assessment of the achievements of FfD 3 and overview of International Financing for Development;
  2. Africa’s expectations on the third Financing for Development Summit;
  3. Civil Society Views on the Third Financing for Development Summit.
An information fair at the side of the meeting will also be organized to expose the participants to the different activities around the quest of Financing Africa’s Development Agenda. The outcomes of the session will be published in the ‘’Bulletin of the Friday of the Commission’’ and disseminated to a wide audience for publicity including AU Member States, Regional Economic Communities, Universities and Development Partners among others.
Definitely, the usefulness of this exercise lies in the fact that, given the current state of Africa and planning for the future, the realization of an “Africa that is prosperous, in peace with herself and plays a prominent role in the global arena,” will depend on the suitable manner through which we will take advantage of this forth coming negotiation round (FfD)!

Be part of the discussion!!!
Mark the date: Tuesday 19th, May 2015, Time: 2pm to 6pm,
Official hash tag: #AfricaPost2015, Secondary hash tags: #FfD, #Post2015, #Fin4Dev, 

Note: To attend the conference, you can come to the AUC headquarters in Addis on the date of the conference and register at the gate. More info, contact: Mrs. Selam Abraha (E-mail: Selam.Abraha@oxfaminternational.org ), Tel: +251 116 611601, Ms. Ambela Barbara (E-mail: Ambelab@africa-union.org ) Tel: +251 115 182668. Get more documention on the FfD here.

22 avril 2015

Call for articles: African perspectives on the post-2015 agenda for development

Pambazuka News, in collaboration with AfricAvenir (www.africavenir.org), invites contributions on the evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the question of the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The purpose for this special edition is to nourish reflection and debate consisting of new perspective from Africa as an active player in global development processes.
A lot of debate in the recent past, among scholarly spaces and in civil society circles, has highlighted the failure of the MDGs to achieve the objectives set, evoking, among other causes, a lack of consideration of the historical and structural factors in their conception.
While the desire to find solutions to global development at an international level has not abated, non-achievement of certain objectives led to a reconsideration of some African-centered development models.
Debates surrounding the reasons for such the failure to achieve dramatic change globally have raised questions about the sustainability of such goals, how many there should be, whether we even need global goals at or should focus on regional bodies to produce regional goals and strategies to meet them.
The focus on the millennium development goals from local and national NGOs, governments, and international organisations (profit and non-profit making) as a route of funding and thus where their focus has rested show the importance of African engagement in the creation of future goals. The funding has been driven to the 10 MDGss often at the expense of other areas of necessity.
It has been declared as a goal of the Post-2015 Agenda that there will be an attempt to incorporate the Global South equally in the negotiating process. This declaration provides scope for the voices of Africa to be heard at the negotiating table. This opportunity must be taken to ensure that new thinking is incorporated in the production of sustainable and long-term approaches to questions of development in the post-2015 development agenda.
Pambazuka News opens a series of angles on which you can contribute, as well as any other analysis that you could bring to this crucial debate on Africa and the South.

• Were Africans effectively involved in the creation of the MDGs? Do limitations in this involvement explain the failures? At what level and how should Africans have been more involved?
• Is it possible to have one Global South voice? Or even a single African voice? And is it necessary to be heard in this process, in the hope of taking into account the real genuine aspirations of Africans, or is it always a fool’s game?
• When talking about post-development, whose development should it be? Should Africa focus on continental goals rather than global ones?
• How can the Post-2015 agenda incorporate the crucial role and place of women in Africa?
• What role should there be for the international community (including the global North but also the increasing influence of BRICS) in setting the development agenda for Africa?
• How and why is it important to recognize the weight of the colonial past when it comes to addressing the existing structural inequalities in Africa and the world?
• Can there be an African-centered agenda for autonomous post-development? Do we need to make a return to the Lagos Plan of 1986?


IMPORTANT: LENGTH OF ARTICLES: Articles should be written in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, size 12 and be between 1000-3000 words. Submit a short biography of two lines at the end of your article and send it to: editor@pambazuka.org

Source: Pan-African Voices for Freedom and Justice